Look what I made!!!
Yep, my very own license plate!
Joe has one just like it although I've seen others since I first spotted his ages ago.
I wanted one of my own sooooooooo badly, and now after working on it (wiping perspiration from sweaty brow) all day, I do thanks to this from the always demure and lovely Ogre.
Worked all day on it I did.
Cool. Now all you have to do is get a license plate holder that has your web page URL on the bottom!
I did one, too!
What a coincidence that Doyle and paula ended up in prison at the same time!
We need to get some movement going among the Florida bloggers to convince them all to get one of these.
I wish they had more vanity plate choices, 'cause I want one to match my Jaguar tag.
Hey Bill! Did you see the Make Your Own Gravestone one? Do you think I should make one for Mark after the crack he made about Paula and me. Da Noive!
A Jags tag would be nice, Joe, but it would be of more regional (or NFL) interest than Florida in general. I like the idea of encouraging Florida bloggers to add a state tag to their site. Any suggestions he who has a much larger readership than I?
Just a joke, Doyle.
Bill likes me. He's my friend. He linked me yesterday.
I know you were joking, Mark, and I joked back.
On a very serious topic, though ...
Bill linked me before you-oooh.
I know that you know that I know that you know that I know that you were joking, too! Bill is an interesting cat.
Mark: I know that you know that I know . . .
Dear gawd, can somebody pa-LEEZ yank his batteries?!!!
Mark: Bill is an interesting cat.
To put it mildly. He also has a very dry . . . ummmmm, sometimes deadly sense of humor.
Love the plate!
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