Thursday, September 13, 2007


People who know me know that I'm not much of a cryer. They know if tears begin to well in my eyes, it's usually because I'm angry. So angry it's best to get as far away from me as possible as fast as possible, because if those tears actually fall . . . well. It's not good.

When I first read about it at Michelle Malkin's, my initial reaction was disbelief. Then, as I followed the links she provided, I could feel the tears beginning to build. Even now they're this close.

Have you been to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D. C. If you have, you know. If not, let me try to describe it to you.

It's frequently been described as powerful. It is, but that's only part of it.

From the distance (and in most photographs) it looks quite small. It's only as you walk closer that its length and height become increasingly obvious. Then, just as slowly, you begin to notice something mars the entire shiney black. You know what it is, but until you get close enough you keep telling yourself it can't be. Maybe it's the light . . . or something else making it look that way. But while you're trying to convince yourself that's what it is, you still know.

It's the names of the over 50,000 men and women who were killed in the Vietnam War, or to this day remain missing.

Some say it's powerful. To me, and Da Kid who was with me, it was overwhelming.

"So many," he whispered. Half question, the other half . . . I don't know what.

There, people whisper to each other. Maybe because it knocks the breath out of you.

Here and there in front of different panels might be a flower someone left for a person named on it. A small American flag. A book or toy.

A man about my age stood silently in front of one panel the entire time we were there, staring at it, tears running down his cheeks.

The pages in the directory was yellow and torn, but I found the names of the three I knew: The older brothers of two high school friends, and one I'd gone to high school with. And managed to find their places on The Wall.

If people need an anti-war symbol, they should forget the pink bunny ears some have worn and stupid signs they carry. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial and all the names engraved on it carries a far more powerful message.

But no. Instead, the Lefty Loons decided that the way to get their "message" across, was to vandalize The Wall with an oily substance.

Now if you'll all excuse me, the tears are right there again.

I'd better go.

LATER: In an update, Human Events Online reports that the National Park Service is "Walking on Eggshells."

“The United States Park Police is investigating the matter. Until this investigation is completed, it is premature to speculate whether any intentional act was committed,” is the official statement.
But . . .

Bill Line, NPS Communications & Tourism Officer for the National Capital Region adds that although crews have been working since Saturday to remove the substance, they don’t even know what it is, much less who splattered it on the memorial.

But one thing is certain. Despite the claims that were later retracted when discrepancies were noted, the incident most certainly does NOT appear to have been caused by an accidental spill of cleaning fluid by a park ranger. Park rangers are not involved in cleaning or maintenance of the memorial, Line confirmed.

The Park Service is hopeful, but not certain, that when the material is finally removed it will not have left any permanent damage.

I haven't seen a darn thing about this on the news. Heck, I guess they're just too danged busy covering O. J.



Blogger pamibe said...

I can understand believing in a cause so much you march for it, protest for it, write letters or even go to war for it... but desecrating what is essentially a tombstone... to our men and women lost in war...
That's just...

oh, crap, now I'm crying!

11:10 PM  
Blogger Jenna said...

If they ever catch the person(s) responsible for this outrage, I hope they bring back stocks just for their punishment.

Then tar and feather them and run them out of the country on a rail.

1:30 PM  

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