
If there's one thing in my life that's missing, It's the time that I spend alone, Standing by the cool and bright clear water. It's kind of a special feeling, When you're out by the sea alone, Staring at the full moon like a lover. - Little River Band.
There is no end to the hypocriscy of the UN. It is controled by the socialists and financed by the USA and allies. If not for the seriousness of the situation with Iran and its quest for nukes the irnony would make me laugh. But mostly is just makes me pissed. NUKE 'EM
I am so surprised at this turn of events. Shocked even.
Oh, hell, I'm not even fooling myself. Everytime I think I've gotten too cynical, something like this reminds me that there are good reasons I'm so misanthropic.
I'm luvin that poster..lolz..O garsh dont even get me startedddddddd on the UN!
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