Thursday, July 06, 2006

When Birds Attack

This is the tree.

This is the nest that's in the tree.

This is the swooping, screaming bird that's guarding the nest that's in the tree.

This is the cringing dog that's peeing behind another tree, desperately trying to hide from the swooping, screaming bird that's guarding the nest that's in the tree.

This is the bird in the branches over the head of the cringing dog that's peeing behind another tree, desperately trying to hide from the swooping, screaming bird that's guarding the nest that's in the tree.


I think it's the same bird as last time. If not, its tactics are the same, producing the same results.

LATER: Carnivalized at this week's Carnival of the Dogs.


Blogger pamibe said...

Cute, very cute. ;)

I can tell when the mockingbirds are nesting because they dive-bomb me while I'm out walking... It can get disturbing because they will actually pluck at my hair, so I end up doing something akin to a hair on fire pee-pee dance.

4:04 PM  
Blogger doyle said...

I don't know if they hatch more than one nestful a year. This time the nest looks empty.

Not that (Trust me!) I went that close to it, but there's no cheepings or any movement I noticed over it's edge. You know, like heads maybe peeking out?

I had one close screaming flutter, but I don't think the bird was targeting me.

Starbuck, in full retreat, had paused directly behind me before resuming his run for the back door.

(Starbuck's now taken to BRAVELY challenge barking (his brains out) at a tree WAY over on the other side, at something none of us has been able to see. Or something equally invisible to all of us on one wall of feed shed.)

7:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank god I found your wife and I have been dying laughing at our poor black lab for the past two weeks, as everytime we run through a neighborhood park the same bird stalks her from tree to tree dive bombing at her butt, while she runs away as fast as possible. I was beginning to think poor Zinny was all alone in her plight but now we know at least she has a kindred spirit in Starbuck

11:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just happened to google birds that attack dogs and this is what came up. Every year around this time For the past 4 years or so, My dog has been the target of these birds. I actually had a run in with the bird today, I had to get the hose in order to defend my semi crippled 13 yr old black lab. My dog is completely petrified of these birds. All I can say is it is absolutely insane hmmm??? could it be a conspiracy against black labs???

10:35 PM  

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