Neal Boortz made this the first link in his "Reading Assignments" today saying, "You just have to read this. God bless Martha Cothren."
Labels: FYI
If there's one thing in my life that's missing, It's the time that I spend alone, Standing by the cool and bright clear water. It's kind of a special feeling, When you're out by the sea alone, Staring at the full moon like a lover. - Little River Band.
Neal Boortz made this the first link in his "Reading Assignments" today saying, "You just have to read this. God bless Martha Cothren."
Labels: FYI
On the days when Da Kid's off and Herself works, he cooks. When she's off and he's been working, she does.
Everything's okay but I think a certain firefighter might be needed at (Da Kid and Herself's address). Please call your wife . . . NOW!"Minutes later my phone rang again. It wasn't Da Kid. It was Herself telling me that a firefighter had appeared. It wasn't the one she's married to, though.
Labels: I am Mom
Word of warning, what I'm about to say is going to annoy people. Maybe really annoy people. Maybe so much so they will never watch me again.
So be it. I want to talk about two words. Two simple words. Personal responsibility.
I fear, as a country, we've forgotten those two simple words. Easier to shift blame. But I fear the "shift" has hit the fan. And it's getting expensive.
Expensive, because politicians are scrambling to bail out homeowners they say were duped into signing stupid mortgages. At the same time we're bailing out folks who rebuild the same damaged home, the same way, the same construction, just to do it all over again, when said rebuilt home suffers the same fate.
I'm not saying there aren't duplicitous lenders. Or uncontrollable acts of God. But I also know we make our own choices. Just like we should read our own mortgages. It just amazes me that for those who didn't read the fine print, the rest of us have to pay the big bill? Or for those who opted not to get flood insurance, the rest of us are flooded with bills.
Look, disasters happen. And we help. That's human nature. That's human decency. What is perverse nature, and indecent, is someone taking advantage of that kindness.
In the case of homeowners who rebuild in the same risky areas with the same risky construction, without the risk of their own money. Or in the case of homebuyers who clearly didn't read what they were getting into, looking for our money.
Bad on them. Bad on us. Personal insult. Not personal responsibility.
Labels: Quotable Quotes
"Kay" was in the middle of trimming my hair today when she noticed the time. "The news is on," she said flipping on the little portable television next to her station. "Let's see what new things we can feel all depressed about."
I'd like to start with a shout out to all my homies in the international jihad. You go guys, you put the fun in fundamentalist dictatorships.FOX says that its news coverage is "fair and balanced" because it offers both sides an opportunity to comment. So does The Moxargon Group.
The opinions expressed on this blog are the opinions held by the Overlord of the Ultra-Galactic Empire, Remulak MoxArgon, and his Minions, and, henceforth, are the correct opinions of the Ultra-Galactic Empire. *Keep watching the skies, fellow bloggers, because they're watching us.
*Except for (liberals) Snotglob and Varos, they exist for comic relief.
Labels: Blogkeeping, FYI
"Every improvident loan requires an improvident borrower to seek and accept it." -- George Will
Labels: Quotable Quotes, Ramblings
You Are an Excellent Cook |
![]() You're a top cook, but you weren't born that way. It's taken a lot of practice, a lot of experimenting, and a lot of learning. It's likely that you have what it takes to be a top chef, should you have the desire... |
Labels: I hate these things.
I got another letter from the Republican National Committee today! Not an email like the dozens Mike Duncan, its chairman has sent, asking me for a donation, but an actual form letter from him telling me just how speshul I am. And as proof that I'm so speshul, the letter even asks me to fill out an enclosed questionnaire.
HOMELAND SECURITY MEASURESNot that my answers are going to count. In fact, they're not going to be included at all.
4. Should we do everything we can to stop Democrats from repealing critical border and port security legislation?
1. Do you agree that we must stop illegal immigration?
Labels: Illegal Aliens, Politics
Years ago I heard (or read) about it, and then almost immediately
Labels: What's cooking?
Starbuck and the Granddog haven't been around each other all that much. We've been working on that with visits back and forth, but the situation is rather awkward.
Labels: Critters
"Mom, now that I'm not living here anymore, I can't AFFORD to eat the way I used to." -- Da Kid after I mentioned he doesn't seem eat as much as he used to, while he snacked on a half box of cereal.
Labels: I am Mom