All aboard "The Straight Talk Express"!

[TIM] RUSSERT: If the Senate passed your bill, S1433, the McCain-Kennedy Immigration Bill...Then, remembering the reaction from the public as they learned details of the McCain/Kennedy Illegal-Alien Amnesty that had been written behind closed doors, McCain backtracked, babbling his same political platitudes he that repeats (and repeats) rather than directly answer a question.
JOHN McCAIN: Mm-hmm.
MR. RUSSERT: ...would you as president sign it?
SEN. McCAIN: Yeah ...
(What's that old line about substituting bull shit for brilliance?)
MR. RUSSERT: But you would sign your bill...First! First? Oh, I get it! Then after each border state governor certifies that the boundary between their state and Mexico is "secure," THEN you help ram through the illegal-alien amnesty and all its perks!
SEN. McCAIN: It's not going to come across my desk.
MR. RUSSERT: It won't pass.
SEN. McCAIN: I--if pigs fly, then--look...
MR. RUSSERT: So it's dead.
SEN. McCAIN: The bill, the bill is dead as it is written. We know that. We know that. And the bill is going to have to be, and I would sign it, securing the borders first and articulating those principles that I did. That's what we got out of this last very divisive and tough debate. And we have to get those borders secured. That's what Americans want first. [emphasis - ed.]
Having screwed up on Meet the Press and managing to babble his way out of it, a few days later at California's GOP Debate, McCain was asked the same question. This time, though, he'd had time to practice the new answer he'd come up with:
[JANET] HOOK: ... if your original proposal came to a vote on the Senate floor, would you vote for it?Noticing that McCain hadn't answered the question she'd asked ...
MCCAIN: It won't. It won't. That's why we went through the debate...
HOOK: But if it did?McCain babbled the same political platitudes he that repeats (and repeats) rather than directly answer a question.
MCCAIN: No, it would not....
Noticing that McCain still hadn't answered the question Hook had asked:
[ANDERSON] COOPER: So I just want to confirm that you would not vote for your bill as it originally was?As you might note, McCain still didn't answer the question asked.
MCCAIN: My bill will not be voted on; it will not be voted on.
McCain's "Straight Talk." Doncha love it!
Labels: Politics, Quotable Quotes
He's trying to be slick, but of course he'd vote for it; it's HIS BILL. Least he could do is tell the truth. Ugh.
The press picked McCCain they will now destroy him. It has already begun.
“Now that it’s clear he’s going to be the Republican nominee for president, it’s time to end our love affair with John McCain”.
“Don’t feel badly if you were once a “McCainiac.” So was I”.
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Thanks for the links, John, not that Lefty Loons Bill Press and Ariana Huffington are taken seriously only by the Lefty Loons.
Funny, innit, them acting like they were favoring McCain over ... oh, I dunno.
I'm guessing with the two of them Kucinich was probably their guy.
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